Casio fx-991CW Advanced Scientific Calculator
Recommended for
- GCSE & Core Maths
- A & AS Level
- National & Higher
- High resolution display with 4 gradations
- Displays mathematical functions in a more visual and natural way.
- High resolution display with 4 gradations
- Display Expression Same as Textbook
- Special Features
- Spreadsheet
- Equation Solver
- Quick access to support page from “Get started”
- Online visualization service via “QR Code”
- Utilities
- Base-n Calculations
- 47 Scientific Constants
- 40 Unit Conversions
- 9 Variable Memories
- Functions
- Trigonometric and Inverse Trigonometric Functions
- Exponential / Logarithmic
- Fraction Calculations
- Function f (x) g (x)
- Algebra
- Calculation with √/π symbol including simplifying radicals
- Equation Calculations
- Inequalities
- Table Function
- Matrix / Vector Calculations
- Complex Number Calculations
- Prime Factorization
- Ratio Calculation
- Probability
- Permutation and Combination
- Dice / Coin Simulation (Math Box)
- Statistics
- Statistical Calculation